A week in my life

Journal – July 22 2024

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Have you ever noticed when you are feeling blue that everything becomes difficult yet when you are feeling happy, the world glows and life is easy. 

Being grateful, saying thank you, celebrating the wins no matter how small and carrying the losses with a much lighter attitude. 

I really liked the quote i have used this month. It’s a reminder for me that all this sorting and packing is for an exciting cause. A new home, a new chance of fun things because we wont be weighed down by stuff and clutter. 

Yes, we are taking a lot with us however I have now sorted through most of it and got rid of a huge amount of unwanted or out of date paper. 

I am getting more ruthless as I go on. I don’t need all these things anymore. It is a wonderful feeling. 

Celebrating the wins of finding things I thought lost, of things that bring memories and emotion. Like the old timber wall phones that my grandfather retrieved from the throw out pile when he worked at the PMG. It’s not the phones that matter to me, it’s the memories of my much loved grandfather. 

The memories stay with us but the things are a prompt, a reminder of good times and great memories. 

Remembering taking the photo of a birthday party or wedding guests, being surrounded by family and friends. The joy and celebration of being together. There are a lot of blank spaces now with our older generation all but gone and the photos evoke the feeling of belonging. 

Home is where you belong, rather than bricks and mortar. I was dreading leaving my home, I love it but it is too large for us now. Packing and sorting and finding has reminded me of the parties and excellent times had here and those I can take with me. 

It’s cathartic, helping me let go of the bricks and mortar, preparing me to celebrate a new home, wherever and whenever that may be. 

I can dream of good times in our new home, I am looking forward to Christmas, to my next birthday, family celebrations and relaxing without guild because I should be packing, or cleaning, or doing a million things before we go on the market. 

In the midst of winter, July has always been a special month for me. I celebrate my birthday on the 28th and my son has his birthday on the 14th. 

I am always more excited for his birthday, I loved buying him things from his birthday list and a few crazy, random things as well. 

As we get older, the needs and wants of more ‘things’ goes away. Now I prefer spending time with family and friends and with all the decluttering I am doing, I definitely don’t want more stuff. 

I remember the excitement of a birthday, it was a day that was just yours. Unlike Christmas that belonged to everyone, your birthday was yours and yours alone. 

I will celebrate each birthday and feel the joy, I will just do it with less things and more of those people that I love. 

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