90 Minutes to Knowledge – Making Buying a Home Easy (well, as easy as possible)

Buying a home the Easy Way - an online course
Buying a home and our online course

At an investment of around 50 cents per minute, knowing you will increase your knowledge or at least confirm your life experience of real estate. 

  • you have never bought a home before
  • or not by yourself
  • or not for a long time
  • or you want to refresh your knowledge and understanding to make sure you ask the right questions and don’t waste your time, energy, or your money.
Learning how to buy a home in only 90 minutes
90 minutes to learn how to buy a home
The affordable way to learn how to buy a home
Learn how to buy a home plus it’s affordable
online course to buy a home, step by step
Buying a home using our online, step by step course

3 Lessons to Knowledge

  • Your Mindset
  • Money
  • Search and Research

3 Lessons to Know-How

  • Your Offer
  • Sale to Settlement
  • Challenges and Glossary
an accessible way to learn about buying a home
accessible online course about buying a home

Valuable Pdfs and Challenges


Your Glossary – The language of real estate

An introduction to the terms and words u.sed in the business of real estate


Your New Home – Your Wants, Needs & Must Haves

What do you want your new home look like vs what your new home MUST have


The 6 Questions you should answer before you buy a home.

The answers you need to consider BEFORE you buy


Be prepared when you buy a home

Be in the know

Don’t be left wondering 

Terms and Conditions (Ts&Cs)
  • Course cost is Non-refundable,
  • Access is provided for 12 months,
  • Contact Support at [email protected]
  • Property Investment is not covered in this Introductory Course
  • Content is not to be reproduced, shared or redistributed in any way shape or form and remains the intellectual property of Hogan and Robertson Pty Ltd